V Plough Scrapers
Frequently rocks, lumps and other debris get to the tail pulley and cause damage to the belt. This can result in punching holes through the belt surface and can also lead to belt tracking problems and other maintenance and repair expenses.
MGI are expert designers, manufacturers and installers of conveyor cleaning systems – the No.1 choice at over 350 sites in the UK alone.
The V Plough is a conveyor belt scraper for the tail drum and is designed to clean the return side of the belt and eliminate the problems above.

Interceptor Diagonal Plough
The diagonal plough conveyor scraper cleans the belt in front of the tail drum. It keeps lumps, rocks and other materials out of the tail drum where they could cause damage to the belt, the lagging or the drum.
Installed at a 45-degree angle across the belt, the plough discharges the unwanted product to a selected side of the belt for easy access to clean up. The plough is installed in a fixed position, eliminating and bouncing or vibration problems that may be experienced with floating style ploughs.
The diagonal plough is a versatile, economical solution for protecting the tail drum, drive drum or gravity take up drums from carrying back materials that may fall onto the return side of the belt and cause damage or mistracking problems.
There are no moving parts to maintain. The only maintenance required is an occasional readjustment of the blade to the surface of the belt. Blade replacement is easy, simply remove the bolts and the worn blade, then bolt on a new conveyor scraper blade.